Saturday College Football Thread

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Ah, fall... The leaves start changing color on the trees, the temperature starts cooling off, and fewer hurricanes threaten coastal cities (brace for impact, Mississippi/Alabama). And also, FOOTBALL. And what greater celebration of college pigskin is there than turning your mascot into a, uh, “Landshark”. Ole Miss, never change.


I would be lying if I told you that this week’s matchups were all thrilling and we’re going to be wonderful. There are going to be landslide victories today, but a couple of the games will be true battles. NC State knocked off Louisville last night by a pretty good bit, but that might not be the only upset this weekend. Watch the West Virginia-TCU game for a possible surprise, or, if LSU gets their shit together, they might just pop an unsuspecting Florida team in the mouth.

I’ll be watching the Alabama-A&M game, because it looks like the Aggie mascot, Miss Reveille, has an attitude this week. Bad dog.

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Here are this week’s Top 25 games, in CST:

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Illustration for article titled Saturday College Football Thread
Illustration for article titled Saturday College Football Thread

Who will win? Who will lose? Who will get shocked like a chlorinated pool with a slight tinge of green? Tell me, folks.