NFL open thread

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So... the Broncos can still win the number two seed in the AFC... or they can possibly miss the playoffs entirely. Not this shit again. We’ve already done this the last three years of Shanahan’s era, and the first year of Josh McDaniels. For the love of God, WIN THIS NEXT GAME AND GET IN!


Well, for me there’s probably very little football today. My sister and my parents have been in town for the last few days and they’re leaving today so I’m spending the day with them. Maybe I can catch a bit of the Pats-Jets game (go Jets). The Fox side is boring in the AM (Panthers-Falcons), but Packers at Cardinals should be interesting. And Sunday night is the Giants-Vikings game that just became less interesting with Washington winning the NFC East. Then on Monday night it’s the BRONCOS HAD BETTER BEAT THE GODDAMN BENGALS FERCHRISSAKES!

What are you watching?