My Spring Break: Expectations vs Reality

First, let me say that week went by way too quickly. I had simple plans of sleeping in, hanging out with an old friend, going to the junkyard, and fixing up a bike I got for free. Thats not what happened

Monday: Third brakelight on mom’s car goes out. Car is covered by warranty so to the dealer we go. There all day since they had to make sure it wasnt wiring or more serious. Also looking at a used car on the lot


Tuesday: Got called into work. 8AM-4PM. Then back to dealer to get numbers on used car. Offered terrible deal, walked out. Mom’s car waiting on parts still.

Wednesday: Car ready at 3PM. Another 40 minute drive one way to get it. Junkyard closed at 4. Had to wait all morning because mom needed a car. Went on “date” thing. Went terribly wrong. $50 gone. Good thing I worked yesterday.


Thursday: Finally slept in. Had to run and do some errands. Cleaned car.

Friday: Work. Called in at 1pm. Home by 10pm. Missed car show because of it.

Saturday: 7AM-6PM work. Too tired to go to car meet. Group mad at my absence lately.


Sunday: Work 7AM-4PM. I hate serving cranky old people. Got a $0.71 cent tip on $22 because people are assholes. Now doing homework. School tomorrow.

Dammit. This was not a relaxing weekend at all!