I'd like to introduce myself.

Inspired by Opposuaruswrx’s post.

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Been on Oppo for almost a couple years and know that many from there are on the Cigar Lounge, hat tip to Peter for giving me authorship. I do not/cannot smoke thanks to respiratory issues earlier in life, otherwise I think I’d enjoy a cigar every now and then.

I’m into photography, cooking/baking, hiking, and a bit of videogames. I may start biking with a friend as well if I can find a large enough bike, the joys of being 6’5”. Once I finish moving houses I plan to start working out and join a yoga class, I need to loose some weight and find some focus and peace.


I also enjoy Futurama and Archer immensely, want to learn German, and am interested in paranormal topics.

Have some of my photos that aren’t of cars. Above is from the New Jersey side of the Hudson river facing Manhattan. (For those interested, the band is Into It. Over It., I highly recommend them.)

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Illustration for article titled Id like to introduce myself.
Illustration for article titled Id like to introduce myself.
Illustration for article titled Id like to introduce myself.
Illustration for article titled Id like to introduce myself.
Illustration for article titled Id like to introduce myself.