Matchbox '71 Nissan Skyline Custom

I was digging through my parts bin and these wheels just seemed perfect for the Matchbox Skyline. Building custom axles for this car was not-so-fun. The length is crazy short and hard to work with. I wish I had sanded down the rear end a bit after a few coats of the Pearl White. It’s a bit rough. Overall I’m pretty happy with how this custom turned out.

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Illustration for article titled Matchbox 71 Nissan Skyline Custom
Illustration for article titled Matchbox 71 Nissan Skyline Custom
Illustration for article titled Matchbox 71 Nissan Skyline Custom
Illustration for article titled Matchbox 71 Nissan Skyline Custom
Illustration for article titled Matchbox 71 Nissan Skyline Custom
Illustration for article titled Matchbox 71 Nissan Skyline Custom