Saturday HAWL

Yesterday I went out to do my weekly shopping and while I was at Walmart (my only local source for diecast), I swung by the diecast section to spend my $20.00 weekly budget. I picked up 3 GL Motor Worlds and 3 HW Cool Classics, which was slightly over my budget. As I was walking away I saw in the 1:24 section that they had the Motor Max 2014 Dodge Charger Enforcer RCMP car, so I picked it up too.

As I was walking down the aisle away from there, I saw a huge new center-aisle display of HW. Stopped to browse and ended up picking up 18(!) more. Sigh, so much for budgeting. I justified it by mentally reminding myself that they had just dropped their regular series HW prices from $1.37 down to $1.00 (from US$ 1.09 down to $0.79), so I was actually saving money, not spending it. Right? Right?

Illustration for article titled Saturday HAWL
Illustration for article titled Saturday HAWL
Illustration for article titled Saturday HAWL
Illustration for article titled Saturday HAWL
Illustration for article titled Saturday HAWL
Illustration for article titled Saturday HAWL
Illustration for article titled Saturday HAWL
Illustration for article titled Saturday HAWL

Picture of the 1:24 RCMP Charger will follow when I get the 2010 Charger painted white and the RCMP decals applied, so I can get them together.

Next weekend there's a big 750 table indoor garage sale at an exhibition complex just outside Halifax. I plan on hitting that up early in the morning and then hitting all the Toys-R-Us, Walmarts, etc. in Halifax on the way home. Taking lots of cash for the garage sale and hoping for some luck.