Sunday Flea Market Hawl

There’s a Drive-in about a 10 minute walk from me that has a Flea Market every Sunday morning, so yesterday when I went out for my walk I decided it should be one of my waypoints. There wasn’t much beyond a lot of people selling a lot of junk, but I found one guy selling baggies of 5 diecasts for a dollar. I picked out three bags that each had something that looked interesting. Mostly these are going into a “use for customizing practice”/”wheel swap donors” bucket.

“Made in China” GTI and 240/260/280Z, both with comically undersized wheels. Purple HW “Turbolence”. Blue HW “Power Rocket”. Yellow HW “Callaway C7”.

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Matchbox 2000 Suburban. It has a hitch and the tailgate is covered in “I Love...” bumper stickers from 5 different states. I’m betting it originally had a travel trailer like an Airstream or something. HW “Flight ‘03”. HW Corvette Stingray. HW “MS-T Suzuka”. HW yu-gi-oh “Super Tuned”

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Matchbox “Troop Carrier” that may be a Jeep J10 pickup. Majorette Mercedes 500SL (my first Majorette!). Matchbox 2007 WRX State Patrol. HW Dodge Challenger Drift. HW Scott Riggs #10 Valvoline/Cars 2006 Dodge Charger.

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