So Long, And Thanks for all the (Fast) Fish

Illustration for article titled So Long, And Thanks for all the (Fast) Fish
Photo: Blue2010SRT

R.I.P. Kinja LaLD.

Approximately 5 years ago you were responsible for rekindling my dormant-for-10-or-15-year collecting hobby.


I don’t post much, usually in bursts, but I’ve been here every day watching the incredible custom work, admiring the collections, lusting over some of the models I can’t afford or even readily access, and generally enjoying the camaraderie of our shared passion.

I’m a member of, and post very infrequently on, 4 or 5 diecast collecting FB pages, but my preference is for the longer-form articles that are more easily composed and read on a platform like Kinja or DriveTribe.


Thankfully, someone had the foresight to start the transition over to DriveTribe a while ago. Kudos! See you all there!

Have a Fast Fish Gulf Treasure Hunt in closing.