Project:Screentime - The World Premiere!

This is the thing that got me back into diecast in the first place. This is why I started collecting again. All the JDM and Euro stuff, which I love, has been an offshoot of this.

It’s time to reveal my big project.

Remember the Baby Driver custom? The Pulp Fiction Bloody Nova?


This is why I made them. And why I’ll be making more in the months to come.

See, I used to be a screenwriter. And it didn’t quite work out. Now I have a lovely career in AI conversation design, but part of me is and always will be a screen junkie.


So here is my little tribute to cars and movies.

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Illustration for article titled Project:Screentime - The World Premiere!

I don’t want to think about what I’ve sunk into this, but now that it exists, none of that matters. Let’s see how it came together.


Originally it was going to be a studio backlot parking lot, but once I realized what it had to be, there was no going back. Thankfully, the folks at Innovative Hobby Supply make a really nice papercraft Drive-in kit. They make a lot of cool stuff and I encourage you to check them out.

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After building that, I had to find a surface, And like a meet-cute in a romantic comedy, I spotted the scrap board of my dreams at the hardware store. Six bucks and it was all mine.

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Then came the asphalt. Oh Lord how I overthought this. I thought about sandpaper, craft paint, etc. etc. etc. Someone on this page suggested bedliner, and while I was at O’Reilly, I found this:

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Two cans later (the coverage per can was appallingly small), I had my asphalt!

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Then, some Vallejo Earth Gel, some clump foliage, some trees (arranged smaller towards the back for a bit of forced-perspective) and several hours of tiny-speaker-making later, I had my theater!

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But since drive-ins make the most sense in the dark, I got a bigger LED string (remember the parking garage?) in a warmer hue and rigged them up.

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As for the cars themselves, I plan to keep adding new ones as I make or collect them.

But a big part of the fun for me is the groupings. We get to see movie cars together that would never meet otherwise, so there’s some fun to be had:

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The cops, always on the heels of the crooks they chase.

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Spies and other heroes who drive their clever cars.


Dads know to stay near the snacks and bathrooms.

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High occupancy vehicles full of misfits and weirdos.

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Racers love being up front.

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Figured the Griswolds would be late after the trip they had.

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This has been a real thrill, and I couldn’t have done it without this incredible community. Keep watching this space, because Project:Screentime isn’t over. I have at least 4 customs I want to add next year.

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