Belated 10 Best of 2018

Since I restarted collecting in 2018, this covers basically everything I’ve got that didn’t come from that closet in my parents’ house. Let’s get started.

10. Racing Champions AMC Pacer

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Weird choice, I know. But between the quality of the model and the fact that it’s a punchline, this one never fails to put a smile on my face. 

9. Hot Wheels Team Transport - Momo Porsche

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I really like this model. The only reason it’s not higher is that it got me hooked on Team Transports, something I had sworn off of before seeing it in the store. So while I love it, I also kind of resent it. 

8. Various and Sundry Hot Wheels from R32

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Pound for pound this was an incredible HWEP. I wound up getting them several siblings. The Ferrari 156 has a teammate, and I have two more Hakos now. I detailed the 2002 and now it’s become a project car. And that Subaru is just a knockout.

7. Hot Wheels Circuit Legends

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I was pretty stoked for this series as soon as it was announced. Initially I was willing to buy them all just to get the Mazda, but I wound up really digging the entire set. In fact, the only reason this isn’t higher is because my Mazda has the dreaded bent wing. Also dropping them down in the rankings... I haven’t cracked them yet because I have a diorama in mind.

6. Hot Wheels Race Team Bone Shaker Ultimate Chase

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This is the first (and right now the only) time I’ve ever found anything like this in the wild. Pretty stunning. But not highest on the list because it’s a fantasy cast. Also, I’m still working out how to display it, so it’s sitting in a closet.

5. Hot Wheels 50th Favorites - Wave 1

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It’s not that they’re the greatest, exactly. It’s that I found all five of them in the wild at various points. I felt really satisfied when I scored the VW and completed the set. The Chevy and the VW are the only ones I’ve EVER seen, and the 510 was a real shock as I found it at the height of its popularity. The Econoline makes me laugh now just because of what a hilariously bad pegwarmer it is. 

4. Hot Wheels Gulf Racing Series

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As a firm believer that one must GULF ALL THE THINGS, I was thrilled to be able to pick up all 5 at a good price, thanks in no small part to my man Dek34 (more on this later). TBH the Golf is the real runt of the litter, and I’m not opposed to flipping it here if anyone is interested, but I’m generally pretty chuffed to have these. 

3. Hot Wheels Japan Historics 2

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Yes, I really overpaid for these. No, I don’t give a fig. Also, these were a great way of breaking me in. I had issues with liberating them, but this community helped get me past that. Still, I used that as bait for myself. I wouldn’t liberate them until I finished a project that started with...

2. Two huge sheets of black foam core

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Not a diecast, but a huge part of my diecast collecting and something that gives me a constant sense of accomplishment. I was so happy to finish this, and it’s the centerpiece of my collection to this day. But it still can’t quite compare to...

1. The ungodly amount of cars and papercraft and heaven knows what else that led to Project:Screentime

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This is why I’m back. I wanted to do something with movie cars, I decided to dive in, and that’s why I’ve returned to collecting and why I’ve found this wonderful community. But speaking of this community...


0. Super-Ultra-Winner: Two Hot Wheels Fast & Furious R34s

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These don’t quite count, because I didn’t exactly acquire them. They went to Dek34. But it was this “hey who needs these?” post that wound up making a friend and collecting buddy out of Doug. And that means they’re the best $11 I spent on diecast, even if they were never actually my dollars.