Inching Closer

I keep promising myself I’ll build a whole pit lane/Goodwood Speed Fest thing, and then I don’t. Well, today, I did a little.

Illustration for article titled Inching Closer
Illustration for article titled Inching Closer

You can find the kit here. It’s also available in 1:48 if you’re so inclined.

It was a stressful build, as you can see from the fact that the pylons don’t line up right. I also managed to burn myself with the glue gun. All for something the size of a VHS cassette. (Ask mom and dad to explain that one.)


Starting with the race canopies, I’ve been mounting these on foam core. I think the best plan going forward is to just make everything that way and keep it all modular.

As my glorious 4-day weekend rolls on, I’m hoping to do some customs. Naturally, you’ll hear about it here first.