HW Pick of the Day: Amphicar edition

I haven't really seen anyone on here loving on the Amphicar. Honestly I am glad I picked it up. The cool details of the cast are totally worth it.

Check out my Boulevard Cruisers Amphicar below:

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The Hot Wheels tampo + the details in the paint job are fantastic.

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The flutes on the hood are great!

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The hull along with the rest of the front end are well done

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Love how it is in the 'underdogs' collection... yeah... with that giant motor...

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Better focus for the side-shot. I really like the wheel-arches.

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Dat monster engine...

Illustration for article titled HW Pick of the Day: Amphicar edition

Again, the tread on the Boulevard Cruisers tires is awesome. Also, I love the details with the props out the back.

Anyways, I am glad I grabbed it. It is up for trade, I have my pictures and enjoyed it while it was here.