Mail Surprise!!! + Mini Hawl

Came home today after doing a mini hawl at wal-mart since I was near it for other errands (custom hot wheels related errands :D). Well I'm going to show you the mini-hawl last and jump in to what was waiting for me at my door.

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Oh hello, there gorgeous!!

I had to take it out of the box to snap some (slightly) better shots of it.

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Custom Otto! And look! That's it on the card!

Illustration for article titled Mail Surprise!!! + Mini Hawl

The spectraflame blue is the best of the spectraflame colors.

Illustration for article titled Mail Surprise!!! + Mini Hawl

The blister makes the photos pretty meh, but it's so gorgeous...

Illustration for article titled Mail Surprise!!! + Mini Hawl
Illustration for article titled Mail Surprise!!! + Mini Hawl
Illustration for article titled Mail Surprise!!! + Mini Hawl
Illustration for article titled Mail Surprise!!! + Mini Hawl
Illustration for article titled Mail Surprise!!! + Mini Hawl

Seriously, I'm drooling over here.

I ventured over to the HWC website and found their online shop... once I found this I had to have it. It's perfect in every way. Then it went back in its 40th anniversary box.

Illustration for article titled Mail Surprise!!! + Mini Hawl

oooo, you can see through the back too!

Illustration for article titled Mail Surprise!!! + Mini Hawl

Super cool descriptions.

Anyways, that was my super exciting thing of the day.

Also found some neat stuff at wal-mart!

Illustration for article titled Mail Surprise!!! + Mini Hawl

Ooooo, zamac H/T 2000GT-X!

Illustration for article titled Mail Surprise!!! + Mini Hawl

Sweet funny car!

Illustration for article titled Mail Surprise!!! + Mini Hawl

Zamac chevelle!

Illustration for article titled Mail Surprise!!! + Mini Hawl

I was never able to find a 993 GT2 ever... I got the white one through HWEP, so when I found the red one I had to grab it.

Overall a good day! Tomorrow I start my customization work >:D