Super Hunted!

So yesterday Mr. Jeff Simmons posted about his two recent Ferrari 599xx's (Super and non) so I commented about how I had found a STH 599xx from 2012 at my antique store. I then mentioned how it was being sold for $25 which at the time I thought was steep.


I was then informed by the awesome LaLD community that I needed to jump on it based on current prices on the interwebs. I went to check for myself and these guys are going for $50 minimum!! NUTS.


So yeah, this morning as I was hunting for the last of Edu-Petrolhead's iHWEP stuff (which is going to be epic btw) I grabbed this guy for what amounts to half-price in our current world.

Sorry for the potato pics, but I just wanted to share! It's an excellent casting and I'm happy to check it off my want list :D

Illustration for article titled Super Hunted!
Illustration for article titled Super Hunted!
Illustration for article titled Super Hunted!
Illustration for article titled Super Hunted!

Anyways, that's the latest, one day I will post better pictures of its glory.