Calling Rocky Clock and other HW polishers

Finished polishing up a pair of Vipers today. Decided to experiment with the SRT-10 ACR before moving on to the GTS-R. These both turned out so well that I plan on doing one of every Viper type. Just need to start stripping an RT/10, GTSR (2.5 gen), SRT-10 coupe, and the SRT Viper...which I have copies of! :D

Before and after:

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I took Rocky Clock's advice and started with some 600 grit paper. I then moved to 1000 grit and 2000 grit (thanks painting section at Home Depot!). Rocky Clock also recommended I use a polishing compound with a buffer. Luckily my dremel tool has both a felt buffer and a polishing compound to go along with it. I didn't go as deep on the ACR as with the GTSR, hence the GTSR is a bit shinier. It's hard to get into the nooks and crannies, of which these vipers have a lot. I could have taken it a last step and continued buffing with felt for a while to get that mirror finish, but since I am spectraflaming them, it wasn't totally necessary.

Illustration for article titled Calling Rocky Clock and other HW polishers
Illustration for article titled Calling Rocky Clock and other HW polishers

Next step is to spectraflame them. The nice curves on these cars should help them pop!