
Helloooooooo and welcome. Here is an iteration of Enginerrrrrrrrr’s Hweps for all!

Alright, now I finally did some hunting today in hopes I would find the last bunch of Cool Classics or the new Porsche Series.


I failed.

In return I found a good lineup of the new releases. Besides what’s in the picture, check out my trades list as well! Maybe you can find something you are looking for! Just an fyi I’m mainly looking for the last Cool Classics bunch (except the Mustang Super Snake, found only that one) or the Porsche Series or what’s in my list. Otherwise I am open to working out some trade.


Oh last thing, istillhaveatapeplayer gets first dibs as he said that he will be checking for the Porsche Series tomorrow. By the way my tape player died, so I had to replace my radio...no more tape player :(

Take a gander!

Illustration for article titled Hweps!

other trades here: