You are being reborn! Shiny & Chrome!

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The broken collar bone means I can’t work on 90%+ of the house/car/truck/etc. projects I have around the place. So I decided to work on something I can, Fury Road style custom diecasts.

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All of these are some degree of in-progress, from just needing final details to barely started.


The Nova at the top is a JL one that had both axles badly bent and most of the paint flaked of. It is now sitting on the chassis of the matchbox behind it. I tried using the rear engine from that chassis, but it wouldn’t work. So the trunk area is now going to be a gunners platform.

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The Ferrari was stripped of its paint, given the wheels & grill-guard of a MBX hummer and a slight lift.

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This truck was so perfect all it needs is a gunner in the back and paint.

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This corvette got the engine & driver’s seat from the nova chassis donor. I need to figure out something interesting to do with the front of it where the engine used to be.

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Every Mad Max convoy needs a War Rig, and this is mine. This has just received some basic painting so I could visualize it better.I need to move the hitch point to push the trailer further back, and give the trailer a second axle, as well as lots and lots of custom detailing.

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And now my new favorite. I just started this and am still grinding away trying to get it to drop on the chassis properly(this is the source of the silver dust on everything else). I love that the chassis is also rear-engined. I’m going to try and keep as much of the original outlaw paint job visible through weathering and whatnot.

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I have a whole fleet waiting to come under the knife, so there will be more posts to come...