Trade Bait.

My collection is starting to feel unwieldy, especially given how fast I’ve been acquiring new cars. So I’m looking to trade out some of the stuff I’m less attached to. Wants are at the bottom.

Illustration for article titled Trade Bait.
Illustration for article titled Trade Bait.

EDIT: Both Lotuses, Silver Escort Rally, red GNX, purple El Camino, and Torino are gone.



-Santa Ursula Ford Ambulance from the EMT 5-pack

-One particular Dodge Charger Pursuit (I have 6 now, I don’t need more but might still consider them)


-Tow trucks/Flatbeds (ones based on real-world vehicles)

-Hot Wheels Datsun 510 sedan & wagon(any colors)


-Semis & Semi trailers(especially with standard box cargo trailers)

-large quantities of cars from the 40s & early 50s(damaged, bodies-only, etc. I need a bunch of them for junk cars)


-Lesney Dodge Tow Truck & Ford Heavy Tow(paint/decals condition unimportant as long as it is complete)(looking for a replacement hook for the dodge)

-Lesney Matchbox cars & small trucks through around 1970 (paint & wheel/axle condition are unimportant as long as it otherwise intact)


-Whatever else catches my eye.