Some flea market finds.

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You know how it is, you’re not even looking to buy anything, then you find a deal too good to pass up.

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These eight cars are half of a $4 hawl (the other half being wheel donors & custom fodder).

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Aside from the Rx7 (which is begging for cooler wheels), the rest here weren’t even bought to keep, but because they deserved a better fate than moldering in the bottom of a bin full of chinese junk diecasts. If you’re interested in them, let me know.

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I really like the look of this Tomica, but it looks comically undersized on the diorama.

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The Contach is perfect on one side, and chipped up on the other.

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Volvos. Boxy, but good.

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Steamroller tired Porsche anyone?

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This Bronco is begging for some ORAT.

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I don’t think I’ve ever seen a casting more in need of a different set of wheels than this RX7.

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Illustration for article titled Some flea market finds.

It is hard to believe these nearly pristine JL pace cars came out of the same bin of cars.