Unexpected diecast hunt.

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I was supposed to spend Saturday helping some friends move in Boston. However, partway up it started pouring rain so hard there was 2+ inches of water on the highway because it could not drain fast enough. This was bloody terrifying in a 50+ year old pickup so i pulled off and headed back home via route 1 so I could go slower. Even so it was no fun so i pulled off at a random Wal-Mart to wait out the worst of the storm.

Illustration for article titled Unexpected diecast hunt.

There i found a dump bin filled to overflowing with recent mainline and Forza cases. What started as me sorting out the case of Spiderman cars to make it easier to look turned into sorting the entire bin. Their were no treasure hunts, which seemed surprising giventhere was at least 4 cases of mainline in there. I was good and didn’t all these for myself.

Illustration for article titled Unexpected diecast hunt.

In the end, this was my HAWL. The ones on the left are for the collection or custom fodder. The ones on the right are wheel/parts donors.

Illustration for article titled Unexpected diecast hunt.

Not a bad way to wait out a storm.

P.S. if anyone desparately wants Forza cars and isn’t concerned about imperfect cards email me at improbcat at gmail. I’ll go get them and we can work out a trade or you can pay cost and shipping.