Flea Market HAWL

Illustration for article titled Flea Market HAWL

Aka “I may have a problem with self control.” I told my partner as we got to the flea market that i was being more careful about what diecasts i bought. Then i came home with all of these.

This 50th anniversary Caddy is really nice.
This 50th anniversary Caddy is really nice.
Already wheelswapped tomica. Got it cheap due to a bad glue job on the front. It’ll clean up and looks nice.
Already wheelswapped tomica. Got it cheap due to a bad glue job on the front. It’ll clean up and looks nice.
Illustration for article titled Flea Market HAWL
I have the green version of this already. So this one is getting modified
I have the green version of this already. So this one is getting modified
This HW Rivera is going to get a proper set of dayton wire wheels.
This HW Rivera is going to get a proper set of dayton wire wheels.
Finally an M2 rig cheap enough to customize.
Finally an M2 rig cheap enough to customize.
Too fun to pass up, when you push in the front wheel the lights glow green along with ‘underglow’ lighting.
Too fun to pass up, when you push in the front wheel the lights glow green along with ‘underglow’ lighting.
Illustration for article titled Flea Market HAWL
Another silly quarter purchase. I’m regretting not spending another quarter on a chrysler 300 that was there with a complete set of wheels to get this rolling.
Another silly quarter purchase. I’m regretting not spending another quarter on a chrysler 300 that was there with a complete set of wheels to get this rolling.
Too nice to leave in a quarter dump box, this is up for trade if someone needs it.
Too nice to leave in a quarter dump box, this is up for trade if someone needs it.
More saved from the dump bin, these will end up as donors unless someone wants them.
More saved from the dump bin, these will end up as donors unless someone wants them.