Off-topic. Dollhouse furniture builds.

For Christmas this year my partner and i are building an “American Girl” scale dollhouse for her daughter’s doll. The house is our project. But I took on the kitchen as my gift to her.

Stove is still awaiting its burners. The fridge is 19" tall!
Stove is still awaiting its burners. The fridge is 19" tall!

To that end I built a stove, fridge, and three cabinets. I did so over the course of two evenings. My brad nailer was invaluable for putting these together in the time i had.

Illustration for article titled Off-topic. Dollhouse furniture builds.

Given this was my first time building anything like this, i think it came out well.

Illustration for article titled Off-topic. Dollhouse furniture builds.

The fridge is even diecast connected, as the crisper drawers at the bottom are the tops of M2 display cases.

Illustration for article titled Off-topic. Dollhouse furniture builds.