HAWL: Some books included

Reposting due to Kinja deciding that drafted posts will travel back to whenever the drafts were first saved. What’s with that?

Illustration for article titled HAWL: Some books included

Finally found some BMW cars on the pegs. All classics, so I figured I’d spring for the 2002, the one recent classic BMW I don’t have any version of. The extra ND is something I got for Sanjay since he’s had no luck finding one (still figuring out the trade/sale details)

Illustration for article titled HAWL: Some books included

Other than that, I managed to snag a Tomica Premium Nissan Skyline GT-R V-Spec II Nur a while ago. From the local distributor’s own store, even. You may notice some of the books I mentioned in the background...

Illustration for article titled HAWL: Some books included

The books I bought with the book vouchers. Probably not the sort of educational materials the creators of the voucher scheme had in mind, though.