Maisto Monday

It’s a day of Diecast starting with ‘M’!

On Saturday my family had to meet up near SF, CA for a brunch since my mom’s cousin was visiting from Beijing. After we ate, we went over to the nearby Ross to browse since my mom loves discount jewelry (she’s too frugal to let herself buy anything else which is why it’s usually my dad who buys expensive jewelry for her) and at the Ross there were these two Maisto flatbeds which I convinced my dad to let me get. They are perfect for 1:64 diecast and so now I am prepared for the next BaDT!

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Illustration for article titled Maisto Monday
Illustration for article titled Maisto Monday
Illustration for article titled Maisto Monday
Illustration for article titled Maisto Monday
Illustration for article titled Maisto Monday

The system for holding the cars onto the bed was originally terrible so I cut a piece of cardboard, painted it silver, and taped it magnificently in that cars can now roll on but not off!

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Illustration for article titled Maisto Monday
Illustration for article titled Maisto Monday
Illustration for article titled Maisto Monday

The two included diecasts were just ok, with the hot rod (Leadslinger) being far better than the fat Viper (Squalo).

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Illustration for article titled Maisto Monday

Common sight for a 3-series and a D-type?

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Illustration for article titled Maisto Monday