A Lesney Legacy

If you saw my post with the Renault R5's last French Friday, you’ll know that the Le Car seen there was borrowed from my dad’s childhood collection of Lesneys. Well, over the weekend I brought up the topic of his stash and he said that I was ready to take care of them and that he would gladly let me inherit his full collection of regular size Lesneys, Hot Wheels, Corgis, and Tomica as well as his extensive line up of Matchbox Super Kings! The Super Kings actually aren’t new to me since he let my little brother and I play with them a few years back but I had never seen his full Lesney collection in the raw. Well, I am happy to report that he is as good, if not a better collector than I am. The number of cars that are not in pristine condition can be counted on one hand, although he apologizes for the dust since he says he used to display them. His taste is as good as mine as well, with everything from the Citroen SM to three or four different Mustang Cobras and a Mitsubishi Galant Eterna! Here are some pictures of the full set:

Illustration for article titled A Lesney Legacy
Illustration for article titled A Lesney Legacy
Illustration for article titled A Lesney Legacy

Expect to see many more individual photos of this wonderful collection int he future! He says there may also be one last box, so if that comes up, I’ll be sure to mention it. See you around LaLD!