Car Trivia HAWL/HWEP

Well, a few days ago Tyler Linner posted a trivia challenge to guess the correct vehicle depicted in a cropped close-up image of said car. Within about five minutes of Wikipedia-ing, I discovered that it was a Hino Contessa PC (first gen) and therefore cinched the prize of 12 VW/Audi/Porsche castings as long as I paid shipping. With a bit more negotiation (and miscommunication!), he graciously tossed in three Citroens for a small fee and the box was sent my way. Last night, this is what I received.

Amazing artwork! This box won’t be going anywhere anytime soon...
Amazing artwork! This box won’t be going anywhere anytime soon...

Besides Linner’s awesome drawing (seriously, if you’ve never received a package from him there’s nothing better than seeing a strikingly accurate marker-drawn car on the outside of the box), inside awaited twelve unknown castings (plus three Citroens).

This is my first Type 14 Karmann and my first MBX GTI <3 Also, recolors of the DS are ALWAYS needed at the Moore household :D
This is my first Type 14 Karmann and my first MBX GTI <3 Also, recolors of the DS are ALWAYS needed at the Moore household :D
The two Sciroccos are so much better than the Oberalp Pass one that I have, the R8 is AMAZING with the gunmetal grey wheels, orange is a must-have color for the RSR since I only have the blue variant, and I’ve been looking everywhere for an Outlaw...
The two Sciroccos are so much better than the Oberalp Pass one that I have, the R8 is AMAZING with the gunmetal grey wheels, orange is a must-have color for the RSR since I only have the blue variant, and I’ve been looking everywhere for an Outlaw...
The loose premium line Squareback dragster is AWESOME! The other three castings here are also wonderful!
The loose premium line Squareback dragster is AWESOME! The other three castings here are also wonderful!
DUB City did a great job with the GTI
DUB City did a great job with the GTI
More air-cooled VW’s FTW!
More air-cooled VW’s FTW!
The whole HAWL
The whole HAWL
And, because I’m a voracious DLM’er...
And, because I’m a voracious DLM’er...

As is expected in any mystery package/shipment, there are a few duplicates in this collection that I’m willing to trade off (with Linner’s permission of course!)

Illustration for article titled Car Trivia HAWL/HWEP
Illustration for article titled Car Trivia HAWL/HWEP

As you can see, these four cars already have DLM’ed equivalents in my collection so the sealed ones are up for grabs if anyone wants them! Thank you so much for this amazing opportunity, Linner, and your generosity should make you a legend in the LaLD community! Thanks for looking, and see you around LaLD!