Kenmeri @ Hamburg

So after crossing the Danube River between Buda and Pest, explaining to Shakespeare what “classic” means, Kenmeri was ready to say goodbye to Budapest and continue the journey to Hamburg.

Kenmeri was able to drive around Hamburg modestly ignoring the glances from all the left-hand drive Mercedes and Porsches. Places encountered include the Town Hall, the warehouse district and bridges across canals


After a day’s drive, we managed to pick up a few groupies (crazy Schuco 1:87 VW haul, last photo).

Note: after a solid response from the Kenneri @ Budapest post, I figured I might as well keep it up and start bringing Kenmeri with me while I travel around. So do expect to see more of these posts from time to time I just hope people don’t get bored with them.

Illustration for article titled Kenmeri @ Hamburg
Illustration for article titled Kenmeri @ Hamburg
Illustration for article titled Kenmeri @ Hamburg
Illustration for article titled Kenmeri @ Hamburg
Illustration for article titled Kenmeri @ Hamburg
Illustration for article titled Kenmeri @ Hamburg

The obligatory black and white shot to class things up a bit.

Illustration for article titled Kenmeri @ Hamburg

And here we have the groupies...

Illustration for article titled Kenmeri @ Hamburg