Miscellaneous Monday

Okay, so I’m probably going to catch some flack for this post but I find this cast quite cool. Plus they’re made by Tomica. These are from the Tomica Disney Motor (DM) series, which seems to be one of many sub-series (Dream, Star Wars, Marvel, etc).

The name given to this particular cast is “Worm’n”. I do not know the origin or why it’s called this but I only got these because they resemble a VW bus, and because they will make good first cars to be given to our future kids (justification given to my wife on why I purchased so many cutesy looking cars).


Not much else to say about these fantasy cars so here are the photos for your viewing pleasure (or displeasure).

1. Big Hero Six (Baymax)

Illustration for article titled Miscellaneous Monday

2. Donald Duck (the siren is his cap)

Illustration for article titled Miscellaneous Monday

3. Big Hero Six

Illustration for article titled Miscellaneous Monday

4. Big Hero Six

Illustration for article titled Miscellaneous Monday

5. Donald & Daisy Duck (Valentine’s Day 2014 Edition)

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6. Mickey Mouse Ambulance

Illustration for article titled Miscellaneous Monday

7. “So Mickey, we think it’s time for someone else to be the face of Disney”

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Illustration for article titled Miscellaneous Monday
Illustration for article titled Miscellaneous Monday