Tomica Toyota Thursday

Just some TLVs to balance out the absurd Miscellaneous Monday post earlier this week on those funky Disney cars.

I recently picked these Toyota Supras up in Hong Kong but have been wanting them since seeing them announced on 829Japan awhile back. I can just imagine how cool one would have looked driving one of these around back in the mid-80’s. As much as I love the A80’s, this is the one I would love to have in real life.


This is up to the usual TLV standards - great colours, exception details, cool 80’s decal. Nothing else I can say about this, plus it’s nearly the end of Thursday now so almost time for bed.

There is also a white police version but I didn’t have enough cash on me the day I bought these, but I will eventually get it.

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Illustration for article titled Tomica Toyota Thursday
Illustration for article titled Tomica Toyota Thursday
Illustration for article titled Tomica Toyota Thursday
Illustration for article titled Tomica Toyota Thursday
Illustration for article titled Tomica Toyota Thursday
Illustration for article titled Tomica Toyota Thursday