Themed Thursday: Orange

I was going through my cars and sorting out the ones I want to sell (have to thin out my collection), and amongst the loose cars I have, the orange ones tend to just stand out. So then I started picking them all out, and now I have 10 of them. I am sure I have got a few more carded too.

The orange is so vibrant and out-there, sometimes it makes the cast just a tad much nicer. I think orange is the flavour for this month for me (it will probably go back to black next month).


I also realise apart from the Fast & Furious Toyota Supra, there isn’t much orange in the HW Japanese car selection. I suppose I could count the Mad Manga.

I took the photos in the harsh sun with an iPhone, so the pictures might be like a punch to the retina when viewing for too long. Sorry.


So anyone else have preferential colours when it comes to diecast?

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Illustration for article titled Themed Thursday: Orange
Illustration for article titled Themed Thursday: Orange
Illustration for article titled Themed Thursday: Orange
Illustration for article titled Themed Thursday: Orange
Illustration for article titled Themed Thursday: Orange
Illustration for article titled Themed Thursday: Orange
Illustration for article titled Themed Thursday: Orange
Illustration for article titled Themed Thursday: Orange
Illustration for article titled Themed Thursday: Orange
Illustration for article titled Themed Thursday: Orange