Tuesday Treats

Most collectors have a “holy grail” or two that they’ve been chasing. For me, I collect anything that interests me rather than specific makes or models. So ever since I started buying Tomicas, I’ve been after box #45. It’s not a Porsche or a Ferrari or any other super-duper car...it’s the humble Suzuki Carry Chinese Noodle Vendor. I’ve got a few variety of food trucks and have always wanted this. Every time I go on eBay, the prices were astronomical but luckily, someone was selling one and he/she was based in Australia too so that made postage reasonable. So, one week later, it arrived.

Now the second part of my Tomica treat is the simple looking drawer from IKEA. For nearly two years all my Tomicas were just sitting in boxes. Today is the day I set them free...sort of.


I was at IKEA looking for a small drawer I could use for my home office and then I came across this odd looking drawer and that was the instance I realised that the height of each drawer would fit my Tomicas perfectly. So I quickly bought it and assembled it as quick as I could which meant throwing out the Allen key and using the power drill instead. After 15 minutes of assembling and 1 hour sorting, my Tomicas now have a new home. And since it is now easier to access my Tomicas, I might start posting a little more.

So, how does everyone else store their collection?

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Illustration for article titled Tuesday Treats
Illustration for article titled Tuesday Treats
Illustration for article titled Tuesday Treats
Illustration for article titled Tuesday Treats
Illustration for article titled Tuesday Treats
Illustration for article titled Tuesday Treats
Illustration for article titled Tuesday Treats
Illustration for article titled Tuesday Treats