Thursday Treasures

I’ve moved into my new place for about 6 months now and only just discovered a loan store around a quiet corner. I guess it’s not to different to a pawn store. Anyway out the front window I spotted a cool collection of Matchbox Collectibles, mainly of various ambulances, in 1:43. I don’t know what they’re worth but for $25 a piece, I thought I would get one - the Citroen ‘H’ Van.

I had spotted a real life one in Tokyo a few months back and was quite intrigued by its peculiar shape. Anyway, back to the story, as I went inside the store, there were about 10 or so more of 1:43 Matchboxes and there was another Van, this time from a Models of Yesteryear series. I got to chatting with the owner and it turns out some guy pawned off his entire collection a few weeks back. He said he’s got about 100 more different cars in the back. He said he was happy for me to go back in a few days and go through them. Hopefully I find some nice goodies.


One man’s treasure is another man’s junk.

Illustration for article titled Thursday Treasures
Illustration for article titled Thursday Treasures
Illustration for article titled Thursday Treasures
Illustration for article titled Thursday Treasures
Illustration for article titled Thursday Treasures
Illustration for article titled Thursday Treasures

The one I spotted in Tokyo, as a food truck.