Some weird casts

Hi Everybody!

Illustration for article titled Some weird casts

This will be the 1st of many posts today. I got my macro photos on my computer so going to post about the stuff I got over the last few months.

So the first thing I will show off are some no-name casts of Jeep like vehicles and one that seems like a Jaaaaaag. I got these from a trinket shop I was in the shopping area with my friend and his lady. She wanted to go into a shop that had lots of cute stuff in it … we were rolling our eyes but once we got onto the 2 & 3 floors there was lots of cool stuff like a table of these cars … I got one of each.


One is a green Jeep pick up like thing, then I got a sand coloured military vehicle, and the last one looks like a 1st gen Jaaag saloon (sp?) thing in gold. I will let the photos do the talking.

Illustration for article titled Some weird casts
Illustration for article titled Some weird casts
Illustration for article titled Some weird casts
Illustration for article titled Some weird casts

Yep I forgot to get a frontal picture of the Jaaaaaaag... :(