1969 Topper Toys: Johnny Lightning Custom Eldorado vs. 1968 Mattel Hot Wheels Custom Eldorado

The real car 1967 Cadillac Eldorado

Illustration for article titled 1969 Topper Toys: Johnny Lightning Custom Eldorado vs. 1968 Mattel Hot Wheels Custom Eldoradoem/emem/em

Topper Toys: Johnny Lightning Custom Eldorado made in(not noted on base) vs Mattel Hot Wheels Custom Eldorado (red Hong Kong purple USA)

Illustration for article titled 1969 Topper Toys: Johnny Lightning Custom Eldorado vs. 1968 Mattel Hot Wheels Custom Eldoradoem/emem/em

Body size/Wheels

Illustration for article titled 1969 Topper Toys: Johnny Lightning Custom Eldorado vs. 1968 Mattel Hot Wheels Custom Eldoradoem/emem/em

JL longer and wider vs HW and was available with both opening and sealed doors.

JL redline good years w/ unmarked redlines. HW plain redlines

The bases

Illustration for article titled 1969 Topper Toys: Johnny Lightning Custom Eldorado vs. 1968 Mattel Hot Wheels Custom Eldoradoem/emem/em

JL a few details of the chassis and engine details

HW (Hong Kong) more realistic details on the chassis and engine.

HW USA no details on the chassis

Engine bay

Illustration for article titled 1969 Topper Toys: Johnny Lightning Custom Eldorado vs. 1968 Mattel Hot Wheels Custom Eldoradoem/emem/em

Each one has a well detailed engine bay but JL has a bit more details showing including the spark plug distributor cap.


Illustration for article titled 1969 Topper Toys: Johnny Lightning Custom Eldorado vs. 1968 Mattel Hot Wheels Custom Eldoradoem/emem/em

JL has buckets seats and more correct looking interior

HW Hong Kong/USA have matching bench seats but HK lacks a center console detail USA has a transmission hump that shouldn’t be there since it had column shift automatic.


Front grill

Illustration for article titled 1969 Topper Toys: Johnny Lightning Custom Eldorado vs. 1968 Mattel Hot Wheels Custom Eldoradoem/emem/em

JL is the only one to have a more detailed grill and front bumper.

Rear bumper

Illustration for article titled 1969 Topper Toys: Johnny Lightning Custom Eldorado vs. 1968 Mattel Hot Wheels Custom Eldoradoem/emem/em

Once again JL has more details on the rear bumper.

Over all all 3 castings have their pros and cons it’s hard to say which one is better than the other. It’s nice to finally have an example of a car that both brands made.


It’s up to your personal preference on which brand/make you have in your collection.