It Pays To Ask!

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Went to Target on my lunch break today to try and find the Heritage cars that everyone else has been managing to find there. Unfortunately there were only three left on the pegs: 2 of the Plymouth Satellites and 1 Backwoods Bomb. There happened to be an employee stocking some things on the other side of the aisle, so I had him scan one of the cars to see if they had any more in stock. Sadly they didn’t. But he did tell me that the system showed they had another case on order, that it should arrive Monday, and that they should be stocking them right about the same time I have my lunch break! Huzzah! Hopefully I can get there before any scalpers do...


Also found this:

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Yes, that is a five pack featuring vehicles that all have the famous TH flame logo! So, the question is, OMGOMGOMG IS THAT A 5 PACK OF TREASURE HUNTS?!?!?!?!?!?! After a quick Google search, that’s a no. Apparently Team Hot Wheels: The Origin Of Awesome! was a Hot Wheels cartoon DVD movie thing and the character cars in that movie all had the TH logo on them to identify them as being part of Team Hot Wheels. According to my research, that has fooled a lot of collectors scalpers who bought them and threw them on ebay claiming they were THs. It’s a sad day when people only buy something because of that logo, not because they actually like the cast.