HWEP Update; Now With More HWEP

Ok, so I first off would like to apologize to anyone I’ve currently got an HWEP going with. I’ve been trying to finish up deals here and there and make one big trip to Post Office, which should hopefully be tomorrow. Again, I do apologize for the delay. My schedule just won’t allow for multiple trips right now with this being the busiest time of year for my work.

Now, with that being said, I was able to grab two more Real Riders that I’m throwing up real quick before I make my post office run. I was able to grab the highly sought after (and very hard to find) Chevy Silverado. I also was able to find another BMW 2002. From my last Real Riders HWEP post, Eddie had already made a request for it, so he has first dibs. If he passes though, then it will be up for trade to whoever the next comment is time wise. Here is The List of what I’m looking for for trades. I’m mainly trying to track down the 204z and the 510 Real Riders from the Heritage A Case, but I’m also looking for a few Speed Machines and a few Boulevard cars.

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Illustration for article titled HWEP Update; Now With More HWEP