So I Bought Some Dry Erase Markers...

...And a few cars to try them out on. Except for the ZAMAC of course ;) The rest though are going to the waiting line for customs. Things are finally starting to get settled in the new house. The garage is still a mess, but I’ve got a small area inside the house where I can do some minor work, so that’ll do for now.

Illustration for article titled So I Bought Some Dry Erase Markers...

Now, who shall the first victim beautiful custom be?

Illustration for article titled So I Bought Some Dry Erase Markers...
Illustration for article titled So I Bought Some Dry Erase Markers...

I’ve had my eye on this guy for a while, but always hated the stupid holiday tampos that ruined and other wise nice paint / tampo job. Time to break out a dry erase marker (and maybe a Sharpie or two) and see what we can do!