Retail Therapy Is $uper Helpful

I found the Z4 M SUPER!!!!!!!!!!!

Illustration for article titled Retail Therapy Is $uper Helpful

Ok, now that that’s out of the way, on to the story. I’ve had a little bit of a stressful time lately between work and family stuff and figured I could use a little diecast pick-me-up. I ordered myself a new Tomica Nissan Skyline Nür yesterday, but figured I’d go see what HW stuff the Target by my office had to offer. You know, just in case... ;)

Best. Decision. Ever.

As I turn to walk up the Hot Wheels aisle, I see a Target employee with a handful of Hot Wheels and one of those large flatbed carts with four big long boxes on it. It looked almost like bookshelves from IKEA or something, lol. Turns out they were actually these pre-filled end cap hangars like this Easter one I saw at Walmart a few weeks back...

Brand new stock of Easter cars, and this was almost the end of May...
Brand new stock of Easter cars, and this was almost the end of May...

Anywho, the employee was pulling the cards out of the end-cap thingies and just putting them on the pegs. She saw me looking at the pegs and offered to open up the remaining boxes and let me go through them. Obviously I jumped at the chance and excitedly looked through the cases. Here’s what I found:

Illustration for article titled Retail Therapy Is $uper Helpful

The Bad Bagger was the first thing I found, and it was on the pegs. The rest were found in the boxes. I actually found the Batmobiles before the Z4 and got all excited thinking one of them was the Super. But neither of them were. Luckily the Z4 was in there! I’ve been hoping to find this one for a while and it’s finally mine! I noticed the Hot Wheels Treasure Hunt flame logo on the card is in gold now where, if I remember it correctly, it just used to be black or gray. I could be wrong on that and just be losing my mind. Either is just as possible as the other, hahaha.

All in all, I’m feeling a little more cheered up now and hope my luck continues like this everywhere else in life. I know it will eventually, I just hate having to wait. Anyways, if you made it this far, thanks for reading!