Walgreens Update

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During my lunch break, I stopped by the Walgreens where I found the Gran Turismo series last week. They had the National case shipper! Alas, it was already rummaged through and there was no trace of a Ford GT $uper. The manager walked up and asked if I needed help with anything. I asked her about the new shipment and she said she had just put it out yesterday, and it was already rummaged through that bad. They had also gotten in the Halloween cars as well, but not put those out. She went to bring them out, but found that someone had already gone through the box and taken all of the Bone Shakers out. So I struck out there this time around, but the Halloween Bone Shaker should be pretty easy to find elsewhere.


I stopped at another Walgreens near my office on the way back from the rest of my lunch time errands, and found nothing new still. I asked the manger there if they had any in the back since the other store had finally gotten them. She checked but said that didn’t have anything. She also said though that those come on their box truck, which would be in tomorrow, so to check back with her then. I’m not getting my hopes up, but that’ll be the first place I go during my lunch break tomorrow!