Yesterday's Target B Case HAWL

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I don’t know why, but the car I wanted the most out of this was the “Tooned” Countach, lol. I’m weird, I know.


While I was looking through the pegs, a guy a few years older than me came up with his son and started looking as well. He asked if there was anything good and I began pointing out all of the newest stuff I had found. We began to talk and he told me how he used to collect just about every car that came out, but that it just got too out of control for him, so he stopped for a while. Now, he was getting back into it with his kids, but was only after stuff that actually interested him.

I pointed out the two Treasure Hunts I had left behind, a Grease Rod and a Fangula. Upon pointing those out, he asked how you could tell if it was a TH nowadays since they don’t have the green lablel on the side of the card. I gave him the whole explanation of the Team HW flame logo and how most standard THs were fantasy cars while the Supers were now the fancier versions of the mainline release instead of the standard TH. He ended up taking the Fangula but left the Grease Rod behind. It was nice to have a conversation with a former / re-started collector and see someone other than myself leave a TH behind while knowing the “value” or “rarity” of it. It gives me hope that the scalper culture of amassing piles of 50+ of a single car just to try to sell them for profit is dying out and people will finally just collect stuff they like, not just buying it because it’s “rare”.

Illustration for article titled Yesterdays Target B Case HAWL

They also have this Target exclusive series called “RED EDITION” mixed in with their mainline stuff. It’s mainline cars, but with their designs done in red/white instead of whatever color they’d normally be.

Illustration for article titled Yesterdays Target B Case HAWL

Last thing I found was this guy. If someone tells you that they found a single, lonely, Track Day series cast hanging on the pegs, the last car you’d expect it to be would be the 510. Those are the first to go. My guess is that someone stashed this guy somewhere hoping to come back for it later, but it was found and put back where it belongs. I couldn’t leave the poor guy there all alone, so naturally I took him home with me. As I’ve already found one for my own collection, this one’s up for trade.