This Morning's HAWL Was $uper

Had to go to Sam’s and get gas on my way into the office this morning. I decided to run into Walmart real quick just to see what they had. I got to freshly stocked dump bin and the nice lady informed me she had just put out 4 boxes, most in the bin, but the overflow went on to the pegs. I rummaged around the top of the dump bin and found a few standard Mystery Machines. I was only able to find one before, so I grabbed a few of those. Then I wandered over to the pegs and didn’t see much. Right as I was about to walk away, I had a feeling like I missed a peg. So I went back through the genera area and...

Illustration for article titled This Mornings HAWL Was $uper

I spy with my little eye, something VERY shiny...

Illustration for article titled This Mornings HAWL Was $uper

Well hello there!!! Not the $uper I was hoping for, what with all the regular Mystery Machines, but I’ll take it! I haven’t found a $uper in months, so it was nice to finally break the dry spell.

This guy doesn’t really fit with my collection though, even though it is a $uper, so if anyone wants it and has another $uper to trade, let me know. I’m currently trying to find both of the Toyota Off-Road Trucks, the new NSX, the Rip Rod, the Mystery Machine, the Carbonic, and the Driftsa. But if you have older ones that might pique my interest, let me know! Happy Friday everyone!