Let's Talk: Dodge Neon

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Hello and welcome to another daily installment of Let's Talk.

Today's topic is this wacky machine, the Dodge Neon.

This car was actually based directly on a real Neon dragster.

The casting was also part of a 2006 Energizer promo and 3 versions in 2011, including a Mystery Models version.

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Illustration for article titled Lets Talk: Dodge Neon
Illustration for article titled Lets Talk: Dodge Neon
Illustration for article titled Lets Talk: Dodge Neon

I personally used to own the original 2004 version. The Mopar paint job was awesome.

There was also a Hardnoze version as well, introduced the same year, but was only available for two years, but it was lucky enough to get a ZAMAC version.

Illustration for article titled Lets Talk: Dodge Neon
Illustration for article titled Lets Talk: Dodge Neon
Illustration for article titled Lets Talk: Dodge Neon
Illustration for article titled Lets Talk: Dodge Neon

Feel free to discuss these cars and share pics if you own any.

Tomorrow, the topic will be a modern classic, Cat-A-Pult.