Project: Showroom Stock - Dousing the flames

So, I've been dabbling in some custom work on my MotorMax Toyota Camry with it's out of place flame paintjob.

Today, I got around to getting rid of the flames. Went better than I expected, to be honest.


Used some acetone nail polish remover and cotton swabs, and of course, some protective gloves.

The nail polish remover did the trick, removing the flames effortlessly, though it did wear the paint out a little. It's still there, but it's rather dull.


So, out came the marker again, until I can get some paint pens to go over the car with.

I also seem to have damaged the windshield a tiny bit, leaving a smudgy circle about the diameter of a small dowel rod.


The car's gonna come apart in the future anyway, so I may be able to get my hands on another Camry for a part swap, and maybe make a demolition derby car out of the donor. Who knows.

The silver finish on the wheels were damaged on the left side as well, but just like the windshield/windows, they're gonna be replaced anyway, so no big deal.


For my first time doing more serious custom work, I'd say I did a good job, since you can't see any traces of the flames ever being on the car, whereas before, even with marker covering them, you could see the outlines of the flames underneath.

Now, the body looks nice and smooth. A job well done, I'd say.

I'll have pics up later.

Also, I've got a couple other projects coming up as well. Project: Judge Restoration, which will be a restoration of my yellow '69 GTO Judge, and Project: California Cabrio, which will be simple paint touch-up work on a red Maisto VW Cabrio, with a possible attempt at a faux California license plate for front and rear.