[WANT] - Frostedbait edition

So, I decided to go poking around eBay to see what Choro-Q models I could find.

Then, I came across this.

Illustration for article titled [WANT] - Frostedbait edition

It's a Choro-Q Suzuki Hustler.


I knew they made a Tomica model of the new Hustler (which I really wanna get my hands on), but this is the first I've heard of a Choro-Q one, though I shouldn't really be that surprised, since both brands are under the same corporate umbrella.

After staring at it for a few minutes, I decided to look and see what else there is.


Sure enough, I found something else that I find pretty awesome.

Illustration for article titled [WANT] - Frostedbait edition

A Hakosuka.


After that, I spotted another Nissan. This time, it's a UK-built Primera.

Illustration for article titled [WANT] - Frostedbait edition

And this Honda Stepwgn also caught my eye.

Illustration for article titled [WANT] - Frostedbait edition

But that's just the tip of the iceberg as to Choro-Qs on eBay.

What Choro-Q models do you find the most interesting?