First new HW casting of 2016!

I went to the Lamley Group site, and saw this as the first post:

Illustration for article titled First new HW casting of 2016!

That’s a 1972 Chevrolet LUV with the stripes of the 1977/78 (depends on which Google result you go by) Mighty Mike edition...well, a slightly modified version of those stripes.

This is the first completely new casting to be physically revealed for the 2016 mainline (the Hudson Hornet is just new to the mainline, not new in general).


Also, there have been a few more revealed, according to the HW Wiki, including the Pagani Huayra as a Treasure Hunt, the Lamborghini Egotista as a new casting, the BTTF Hover Mode Time Machine and Simpsons Family Car in the Tooned series (not sure how the Time Machine fits, since it’s not the Animated Series DeLorean), and the Volkswagen Caddy in Hot Trucks.

None of those have been visually confirmed as 2016s, though.

What do you guys think?