1:1 Custom

Wow it’s been a long time since I’ve posted here. Life has been crazy so I haven’t been able to complete any customs. We are expecting our second child in the next month so I had to make the tough decision to sell my Camaro 😞. The new owners are good family friends, so I know she’s going to a good home. I decided to paint up a camaro to match their new 1:1 and sent it out the them as a gift. Here is the final product, it’s probably my best custom to date interns of paint and details I am really happy with the outcome.

Illustration for article titled 1:1 Custom
Illustration for article titled 1:1 Custom
Illustration for article titled 1:1 Custom
Illustration for article titled 1:1 Custom

When I went to the store to get some supplies, my son who’s three and a half wanted some paint for me to paint one of his cars. He chose this pretty cool matte lime green. He wanted the car half green half black.

Illustration for article titled 1:1 Custom
Illustration for article titled 1:1 Custom