McLaren F1/P1 custom

Finally!!! I have been working on this custom for sometime and had to redo is a few times. I finally was able to finish the painting and get it detailed last night. The color I used was Tamiya TS-56. I need to take my Gran Turismo F1 GTR home and compare the colors. Over all I am happy with the result, I need to get better at detailing. I don’t have a steady enough hand to put details on the head lights.

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Illustration for article titled McLaren F1/P1 custom
Illustration for article titled McLaren F1/P1 custom
Illustration for article titled McLaren F1/P1 custom
Illustration for article titled McLaren F1/P1 custom
Illustration for article titled McLaren F1/P1 custom
Illustration for article titled McLaren F1/P1 custom
Illustration for article titled McLaren F1/P1 custom
Illustration for article titled McLaren F1/P1 custom