If You Don't Buy Old Magazines, The Silverfish Win

Illustration for article titled If You Dont Buy Old Magazines, The Silverfish Win

Howdy, LaLDers! Been way too long since I’ve visited these parts. Glad to see your collections growing exponentially...I’m especially loving TFritch’s recent Le Mans acquisitions.

I wanted to give you all a heads-up about a great SoCal event coming up this weekend: the 28th Literature Faire and Exchange, presented by the Society of Automotive Historians. This semi-annual bazaar of automotive books, magazines, artwork, advertising, models and other collectibles takes place at the NHRA museum in Pomona this Sunday from 8 to 3. Admission is free to the public. Since diecast collectors tend also to be automobilia collectors, this event is definitely worth your attention.


The Lit Faire hasn’t happened since 2014, and there’s a chance it may never happen again if attendance is poor this year...and that would be a shame. As the automotive world moves ever closer to a digital, autonomous model, old books and magazines are an important link to the past. For Southern California enthusiasts, there’s simply no better place to grow their libraries in a single bound than the SAH Lit Faire. AND DID I MENTION THAT ADMISSION IS FREE?

Here’s a link to the event website for more info:
