Wait. 356 Day is a thing?

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Well, okay then! Here’s a Carrera 2 Cabriolet by Spark. We had ourselves a lively discussion here yesterday regarding diecast versus composite (and by extension resin) models. The dissent over plastic models seems to be limited to the 1:18-scale space, though, perhaps because diecast and resin have coexisted peacefully in the 1:43 world for decades. Once upon a time, only ultra-premium handbuilt brands like BBR or kits from the likes of Starter offered resin construction in this scale, but now there are some amazing 1:43 resin cars under $100, and Spark’s are among the very best.

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But then again, there will always be demand for metal-bodied 1:43 as well! At least, there will be as long as companies like Minichamps are around to pump out great products like their ‘64 356C Coupe. This is one of our favorite recent releases...mainly because we’re suckers for Irish Green!


So, yeah, we do love us some 356s around the Model Citizen offices. Want proof? Look closely at the front of our business card:

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