The Answer is "Yes"

Illustration for article titled The Answer is Yes

I had a couple of people hit me up on the ‘Gram yesterday to inquire whether or not we were going to carry the AUTOart 1:18 Group 5 Skyline Silhouette when it comes out next year. This is a model I’ve had my eye on for a long time, as it speaks to my fond memories of playing with Pocket Cars in the ‘ well as to my increasing immersion in the JNC scene. I didn’t expect that it would strike a chord with so many other people, however, especially with such a hefty sticker price.


Based on yesterday’s inquiries, I can say that Model Citizen will indeed carry the Skyline Silhouette. Unless AA jacks up the prices between now and release, we’ll have it available at MSRP ($270) with the usual free shipping in the lower 48, and as always, members of our e-mail list can get 5% off...sign up at our website.

We’re not taking pre-orders, but if you’re interested please let me know and I can put you on the “hold” list.


(Thanks AUTOart for the shamelessly pilfered stock photo.)